Search Results | timeline of medicine and medical technology

Your search for "timeline of medicine and medical technology" returned 10 results

Outpatient Procedures

Outpatient procedures fortunately don't require an overnight stay in a hospital. Learn about the benefits and types of outpatient procedures.

How can a rabbit tell me if I'm pregnant?

A rabbit pregnancy test involved injecting the animal with human urine and analyzing hormonal response. Learn how the rabbit pregnancy test works.

Does 'Obamacare' require Americans to be implanted with microchips?

Does 'Obamacare' require Americans to be implanted with microchips? Find out if the Affordable Care Act really requires us to have microchip implants.

Did the ancient Greeks get their ideas from the Africans?

The ancient Greeks could have gotten all of their revolutionary ideas from civilizations in Africa. Learn about the ancient Greeks and ancient Greek ideas.

How Dying Works

Dying is the natural end to life, but knowing that doesn't make the physical reality of death any easier. Find out what happens to the body as it's dying.

How Trend Forecasters Work

Trend forecasters make educated guesses about what the future holds. Is this the job for you? Learn more about what it takes to be a trend forecaster.

10 Scientific Breakthroughs We Literally Couldn't Live Without

You might argue we have scientists to thank for our own survival. What breakthroughs have kept the human race from dying out?

Pearl Harbor Attack: What Led to It and What Was the Aftermath?

Japan's bombing of Pearl Harbor was the major event that caused the United States to enter World War II. Learn about the attack only at HowStuffWorks.

How Performance-enhancing Drugs Work

Performance-enhancing drugs are the frequent subject of controversy in the sporting world. Learn about performance-enhancing drugs and doping practices.

10 Big Questions in the U.S. Gun Control Debate

The U.S. gun control debate is controversial and multifaceted. Learn about 10 of the big questions in the U.S. gun control debate at HowStuffWorks.

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